Reseller Hosting is the best way to start your own web hosting business without investing in the data center or any kind of infrastructure. Reseller web hosting is a form of web hosting where an account owner of reseller hosting can further rent out the hard disk space to their customer or can host customer’s website on their behalf. Generally, web design firms buy reseller web hosting so that they can host their client’s website. People also buy reseller web hosting to start their web hosting business, in this case, they rent out the hard disk space allotted to him to their client. To make the billing system easy there are some web hosting firms which are providing cheap reseller hosting with WHMCS.
In this article, we’ll cover top reseller hosting providers who offer cheap reseller hosting with whmcs.
Top 5 Cheap Reseller Hosting with WHMCS Providers
Below are the names of top 5 cheap reseller hosting with whmcs providers. These providers not only provide almost inexpensive reseller hosting but they are also renowned in the market.
#1 Host4Geeks
Host4Geeks is one of the most reliable reseller hosting provider. Their reseller hosting plans are cheap, and comes with a lots of features like free SSL, DDoS protection, LiteSpeed technology, free WHMCS / Blesta License, fully managed support services, 24/7 Server monitoring, SSD Hybrid Storage, daily backups, Free migration.
Over 5000 customers trust Host4Geeks reseller hosting services. So if you’re looking for a reliable cheap reseller hosting with free WHMCS, Host4Geeks could be the right choice for you. To know more about their reseller hosting services click on the link below to visit their website.
Check out Host4Geeks Reseller Hosting Plans
#2 Inmotion Reseller Hosting
InMotion Hosting offer one of the cheapest reseller hosting with WHMCS. Their reseller web hosting plans starts from just $13.99 per month. With Inmotion Reseller hosting you got pre-loaded Free WHMCS, cPanel with WHM, 90 days money back guarantee, free backups and free ENOM reseller account. Being an Inmotion Reseller you can host unlimited domains in each of their plan. Inmotion offer their reseller hosting on CENT OS with unlimited MySQL databases. The reseller hosting is fully white label.
#3 Arvixe Reseller Hosting
Arvixe is offering their inexpensive reseller hosting services since 2003. You can buy both Windows & Linux based reseller hosting plans from Arvixe. Arvixe reseller hosting plans starts with as low as $20 per month with plenty of bandwidth to make you go. Their reseller hosting services comes with WHM (Web Hosting Manager) which makes your life easier. You also get private name servers so that no body can come to know which reseller hosting provider you’re using. Arvixe reseller hosting services are loaded with Cloudflare CDN, Softaculous Script Installer, RVSiteBuilder, FREE WHMCS License, One Click Website Builder, Daily R1Soft Backups and much more.
#4 Reseller Club Reseller Hosting
If you’re a seasoned Web Designer or Web Professional looking out for sturdy Reseller Hosting then ResellerClub is one of the ideal providers that I would recommend for your requirement. They’re currently powering more than 5 Million Domains on the Internet today. They’ve continuously strived towards offering Web Professionals the best Web Products & Services at affordable rates.
Their Reseller Hosting Packages are customized to suit every range of Web Professional. Incase you’re a Start Up and looking out for a slightly lower priced Multiple Domain Hosting Package, you can then consider their “R0” plan. And if you’re a professional with a significant customer base and willing to make a slightly higher investment inorder to reduce your cost, then I would recommend the “R2” Plan.
Another thing to note is that you don’t receive the Billing manager (WHMCS) along with the R0 & R1 plan. Incase you’re looking out for WHMCS consider either the R3 or R4 plan. You can be certain to receive the best support & service from ResellerClub 24×7. Reseller club offer cheap reseller hosting with whmcs on windows & linux platform with multiple choice of data centers located in US, UK & India. Their reseller hosting prices starts from $7.99.
Read ResellerClub Review to make a decision.
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#5 BigRock Reseller Hosting
Bigrock is fastest growing registrar & web hosting provider in India. Bigrock offer cheap reseller hosting with WHMCS on windows and linux platform. Their reseller hosting is comes with CloudLinux, cPanel, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Ruby on Rails, web builder & more. If you not satisfy with their service, you may anytime ask for money back with in 30 days of purchase. If you’re from India or from Asia, Bigrock can be a better option for you to start your reseller hosting business. All of their plans are packed with 24*7 customer support. You need not to be technical to start your business with them as they will take care all of your server space.
We’ve put all the information provided above with plenty of research. All of the reseller hosting providers mentioned above are reputed in the market. You may find better price than the hosting providers mentioned above are providing but you may not match with the web hosting quality & after sales support they provide.